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The Women’s Economic Security Act

The Women’s Economic Security Act

Women's Economic Security ActThe Women’s Economic Security Act is bringing significant changes to many areas of employment law. This legislation will be important for both employees and employers, as it creates new rights and requirements that help make it easier for women to succeed in the workplace.

Here are some highlights from the Act, that may effect you or your business:

Expanded Parental Leave: The Act modifies the Minnesota parental Leave Act, lengthening the leave requirement from 6 weeks to 12 weeks.

Accommodations For Pregnant Workers: The Act requires qualifying employers to provide reasonable accommodations or position transfers to pregnant workers.

Protections for Nursing Mothers: The Act provides enforcement of workplace protections for nursing mothers who need to express breast milk throughout the work day.

Protections for Parents: The Act modifies the Minnesota Human Rights Act to prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of familial status.

Grandparent Sick Leave: The Act allows grandparents to use existing earned sick leave to care for an ill or injured grandchild.

Safety Leave: The Act allows employees to use existing earned sick leave to deal with the consequences of sexual assault, domestic violence or stalking.

Wage Disclosure: The Act prohibits employers from requiring nondisclosure of wages as a condition of employment.

LeBlanc Law & Mediation
80 South 8th Street, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Phone: (612) 337-9530
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